Chronic headaches and migraines are common in today’s society. They can be debilitating and make life difficult for anyone who suffers from them. The good thing is that many ways and options are available to help you get your life back on track again. You can reduce or eliminate the frequency of episodes by taking preventative measures and working closely with a physician or an upper cervical chiropractor in Spring Lake Park. We will tackle the top 5 migraine triggers and how you can circumvent them. Hopefully, our discussion can help you avoid or dampen the intensity of your migraine attacks.
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#1. Sensory Overstimulation
Sensory overstimulation is a significant migraine trigger. This occurs when you are exposed to too many stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights. It can also be triggered by strong scents, like perfume or paint thinner, or by certain foods like chocolate, cheese, soy sauce, and even fermented drinks like beer and wine.
You can avoid sensory overstimulation by wearing earplugs when you go to places where there might be too much noise, wearing sunglasses when you go outside on sunny days, and avoiding stress in your life as much as possible. This can mean taking a break from school or work willingly when necessary and wearing a hat or something that covers your head so that the sun doesn’t get directly on it, especially if you have natural light-colored hair.
#2. Dehydration
Dehydration is another common cause of migraines. It is caused by not drinking enough water or even not eating enough water-rich foods. But how does dehydration cause headaches? When you’re dehydrated, your body may take longer to metabolize certain nutrients and chemicals that can trigger migraine attacks.
The more fluid you lose in the body, the less room there is for these substances to dissolve into the bloodstream, where they could be excreted from your system before they reach an effective concentration. This means that if you’re already prone to headaches (like those with migraines), then even minor fluid losses might cause symptoms like fatigue or depression, which could lead to an unfortunate path towards an attack or feeling sick all over again!
#3. Exhaustion
This is a common migraine trigger. It can result from a lack of sleep, stress, and overwork. Rest, sleep, and relaxation are great ways to avoid or dampen a migraine attack. Get enough sleep each night. Sleep deprivation triggers migraines in many people. Getting enough night’s rest is essential for overall health and well-being, which will help prevent migraines from occurring as often as they would if you were getting enough sleep every night.
In addition, you can try stress reduction techniques. Stress plays a vital role in triggering migraines in some people, so finding ways to manage it can help reduce the number of migraine headaches that occur each month.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
#4. Poor Quality of Sleep
When you don’t get ample rest, your body can react negatively to this lack of energy. This can lead to headaches and migraines, among other symptoms.
How it affects your mind: The brain needs to be fully rested to function correctly. If you’re having trouble sleeping, your brain’s ability to work appropriately will also suffer. Your brain chemical levels might also get compromised, causing more severe and painful migraine symptoms.
How it affects your body: Lack of quality sleep has been linked with heart disease, stroke, diabetes as well as obesity, and depression (amongst other health problems).
#5. Medication Overuse
Medication overuse headaches and migraine is a common and severe problems. It occurs when you use migraine medication too often or for too long, which can cause rebound headaches, medication toxicity, or dependence.
Rebound headaches manifest when you take your migraine medications for longer than recommended durations. The brain and the rest of the CNS (central nervous system) begins to expect a certain amount or dosage of pain relievers to be present in your system at all times.
When you stop taking these medications on schedule, the rebound effect gets triggered by this unmet expectation of your body and mind.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for Migraine
Upper cervical chiropractic is one of the most effective ways to cope with the throbbing pain and other migraine symptoms. The vertebral column is among the most critical areas to address for migraine relief, and this is the very role of you that chiropractors assume when helping patients like you.
An upper cervical chiropractor in Spring Lake Park can help with migraines and chronic headaches in several ways. They work to adjust and align the spine, which is often a cause of migraines and other painful headaches. The adjustments can help ease the pressure around your head and neck, as tension in these areas is another major cause of migraines.
Sometimes, an upper cervical chiropractor in Spring Lake Park also uses muscle therapy techniques such as massage, stretching, or electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) in conjunction with spinal adjustments to relieve discomfort caused by muscle spasms and tightness. Chiropractic care is one of the few methods for migraine that is safe to combine with other care plans and lifestyle changes.
Dr. Hejny: Trusted Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Salt Lake Park
If you’re a migraine sufferer, you may have wondered how to get the most relief from your migraines. Thankfully, you can prevent migraine attacks and make sure that they don’t cause too much stress in your life. One of the best ways for people to manage migraines is by visiting a trusted upper cervical chiropractor in Salt Lake Park at Hejny Chiropractic.
Dr. Justin Hejny is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Salt Lake Park that offers a full range of chiropractic services and specializes in the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique (AOC). You can visit him in the clinic from Mondays to Fridays. To schedule your consultation or spinal adjustment with us, call (763) 230-0116 or fill out our online form.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below.