BPPV, vertigo relief in Spring Lake Park MNIf you’ve been experiencing vertigo, you might be familiar with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV. This is one of the most common causes of vertigo, patients seeking vertigo relief in Spring Lake Park MN have likely encountered this health condition too.

This condition triggers a false spinning sensation that can prevent you from moving with ease. It can cause short episodes of mild to intense dizziness when you make specific changes in the position of your head. When you move or tilt your head, lie down, or even turn over or sit up from the bed, you will likely experience bouts of unwanted vertigo because of BPPV.

Albeit highly bothersome, it is unlikely to bring you to harm except when it causes accidental falling or tripping. A visit to a healthcare professional may help you experience vertigo relief in Spring Lake Park MN. But, we believe it would also help to learn every fundamental fact about BPPV.


BPPV Causes

BPPV happens when the tiny calcium crystals in your inner ear – called otoconia – break apart and shift out of their usual location. If these crystals move inside the fluid-filled side of the inner ear, it interferes with your normal vestibular function and sets off sudden vertigo episodes.

Vertigo usually follows when there is a change in your head’s position. If this happens, you may already notice the patterns or head placement that brings out vertigo symptoms. Age is also a factor in BPPV due to the normal wear and tear of the inner ear structures.

BPPV can sometimes be a symptom of other inner ear conditions such as labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, or acoustic neuroma. It may also accompany migraine or may happen following a physically traumatic incident such as accidents, sports injuries, or falls.


BPPV Symptoms

Some known signs and symptoms of BPPV may include:

  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo or that false sense of movement, as if you or your surroundings are spinning or moving
  • Loss of balance or unsteadiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abnormal rhythmic eye movements

BPPV will usually affect one ear at a time, but in some instances, it can be present in both ears. The mentioned signs and symptoms of BPPV can come and go and last for a minute or so. Sometimes it can be in remission or disappear and recur with no warning sign.

Your head position can trigger these BPPV symptoms, and sometimes mundane tasks such as walking or standing can make you feel out of balance.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Vertigo Relief eBook

How to Manage BPPV Naturally with Head Maneuvers

There are natural ways to manage BPPV effectively. Upper cervical chiropractic care is becoming more popular for patients pursuing vertigo relief in Spring Lake Park MN. Some upper cervical chiropractors like Dr. Hejny have helped patients manage recurring BPPV symptoms. But, besides upper cervical care, you might also find other methods and remedies helpful in coping with your crippling episodes. Some examples of these include:

Epley Maneuver

If you experience vertigo from your left ear and side, you can follow the following steps for the Epley maneuver:

  • While sitting at the edge of a long couch or bed, tilt your head 45 degrees to the left. Put a pillow underneath you so it will be between your shoulders rather than behind your head when you lie down.
  • Lie down on your back quickly with your head still at a 45-degree angle on the bed. The pillow should rest under your shoulders. If any vertigo episode gets triggered, you must wait for about 30 seconds to help your vestibular system adjust.
  • Turn your head to the right without raising it and wait for 30 seconds again.
  • Turn to the right to begin facing the floor. Again, wait for 30 seconds before preparing for the following position.
  • Sit up slowly but stay by the bed for a few minutes.
  • If your vertigo starts from your right ear, follow the instructions in reverse.

Continue these movements thrice each night until you’ve reached 24 hours without dizziness or vertigo episodes.

Semont Maneuver

This exercise is for vertigo episodes starting from the left ear and side:

  • Sit straight on the edge of your bed and tilt your head up to 45 degrees to the right.
  • Lie down quickly to your left side and stay there for 30 seconds.
  • Lie on the opposite end of your bed quickly but don’t change the direction of your head. As much as possible, keep it at a 45-degree angle and lie down for 30 seconds. Then, shift your gaze towards the floor. 
  • Slowly bring yourself to a sitting position and wait for a few minutes. 
  • Repeat the same steps for the right ear.

Continue these movements each day until you notice improvements in your BPPV symptoms.


Finding Vertigo Relief in Spring Lake Park MN That Works

You can explore upper cervical chiropractic care to manage your vertigo if none of the head maneuvers we shared seem to work. Many people with recurring migraine attacks notice significant relief when they visit an upper cervical chiropractor like Dr. Hejyny.

Studies explain that a misalignment in the upper cervical spine can sometimes trigger crippling vertigo episodes. A cervical spine misalignment can cause unnecessary stress and pressure on the brainstem and disrupt the normal transmission of signals to your vestibular organs. 

The top two topmost neck bones are prone to misalignments due to their location and range of movements. Thankfully, you can potentially negate the effects of cervical spine misalignments with the help of precise and gentle chiropractic adjustments. 

At Hejny Chiropractic, we help our patients experience lasting vertigo relief in Spring Lake Park MN, by correcting cervical spine misalignments. We employ a unique technique that gently realigns the bones in your neck and takes the pressure off your nervous system, eventually helping your body heal. 

Many of our patients experience significant improvements in their vertigo symptoms after successfully retraining the cervical spine. We see a high success rate because we customize our care regimen to best fit your needs.


Call Hejny Chiropractic

If you’re tired of suffering needlessly, don’t hesitate to contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We’ll be happy to answer your queries about BPPV and discuss whether upper cervical care could be right for you.

Dr. Hejny passionately cares for patients who experience vertigo and other health conditions. To book your appointment with Dr. Hejny, call our office at 763-230-0116 ‎or fill out our online contact form. Don’t wait any longer to seek proper care. Contact Hejny Chiropractic today.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.