fatigue, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, always tired, Fibromyalgia Natural Treatment Spring Lake Park MN, fibromyalgia syndrome, fibromyalgia causes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia natural treatment, signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia, fibromyalgia pain reliefFibromyalgia is becoming an all too common in the medical world as of late. It is a real disease that is afflicting up to 20 million people living in the United States alone. Women are 10 times more likely to develop it than men. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Problems with bowel and bladder function
  • Reoccurring headaches
  • Chronic pain in the whole body
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Lack of mental clarity (brain fog)

This disease is a bit of a mystery to the medical community as it has a wide and varied number of symptoms that are also part of other diseases. No clear cause has been found for fibromyalgia. Research continues to be done to improve understanding. Recently, it has been discovered that there may be a link between fibromyalgia and a certain blood marker that appears to be increased in fibromyalgia patients. This will help those in the medical field be more accurate in their diagnosis of this disease. While this is good news, it still does not provide any answers as to how to treat or cure fibromyalgia. And, it has been noted, that this blood marker also indicates a decrease in the natural immune system function.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia, download our free e-book by clicking the image below. Free Fibromyalgia Relief eBook

Fibromyalgia Natural Relief Care Spring Lake Park MN

Relief care for fibromyalgia remain limited and do not work well for everyone. More and more patients are seeking out a more natural, long-lasting relief care that is given by upper cervical chiropractors. We help our patients by assisting their immune systems to begin functioning properly once again. How is this achieved?

The upper bone of the neck is called the atlas vertebrae. When this bone is in its proper position, the body functions well. However, if this bone comes out of alignment, which may happen through an accident, a fall, or a sports injury, the entire body becomes compromised. The neuro-endo-immune system is hindered.

Once we find this misalignment and correct it through a gentle, effective technique, many of our patients report a decrease in fibromyalgia symptoms. When the immune system functions properly, healing of the body takes place leading to a happier, healthier life.


  • Clauw DJ. Fibromyalgia: an overview. Am J Med. 2009; 122(12A): S3-S13.
  • Sugimoto C, Konno T, Wakao R, Fujita H, Fujita H, et al. (2015) Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cell Is a Potential Marker to Distinguish Fibromyalgia Syndrome from Arthritis. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121124.
  • Kent C. Models of vertebral subluxation: a review. J Vertebral Subluxation Res. 1996; 1:11–17. 10.
  • Feeley-Collins K, Grostic JD, Hightower BC, Pfleger B, Selano JL.  “The effects of specific upper cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of HIV positive patients.” Chiropractic Research Journal 1994;3(1):32.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.