chronic-fatigue-syndrome-is-there-a-natural-cureChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a complex and debilitating disorder. It involves severe fatigue that does not go away with rest and is not caused by underlying health condition. Most sufferers are left confined in their beds, unable to perform day-to-day activities.

Doing any physical or emotional activity may worsen CFS/ME. This situation is called post-exertional malaise, or PEM. People who have chronic fatigue syndrome may look healthy from the outside, but they struggle to live each day. They have to cope with challenges daily such as the following:

  • Inability to do the things they used to find effortless
  • Daily regular tasks are difficult, such as taking a shower or preparing food
  • 25% of sufferers become bedridden or house-bound for long periods
  • Studying, keeping a job, or maintaining a social or family life can be nearly impossible
  • CFS/ME can last for years and may cause disability


Who Is Affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Nearly all people can develop CFS, including children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. It is most frequently seen in adults age 40 to 60 years. It affects women more than men, and whites are diagnosed more than other ethnicities.

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Facts About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • As many as 836,000 to 2.5 million people suffer from the condition in the United States
  • It costs the US economy up to $24 billion every year in medical bills and lost income
  • About 90% of those with the condition remain undiagnosed. Some of the possible reasons for this are listed below:
    • CFS/ME is not included in training for doctors in medical schools
    • Less is understood of the illness as it is taken lightly by some medical practitioners
    • Doctors need more training to be able to give a better diagnosis

The medical community is yet to learn the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. At the moment, there is no diagnostic test to either confirm or deny the presence of CFS. Diagnosis is made based on symptoms. Doctors must test patients and rule out other conditions that could be causing the symptoms; then they conduct an in-depth evaluation.


Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Primary or core symptoms are those that occur in most CFS patients. To be diagnosed with chronic fatigue, you must display these three primary symptoms:

  1. Extreme fatigue: The fatigue is so extreme that it results in the inability to perform activities that you could typically do before the onset of the condition. Your fatigue should be more than just tiredness and last for more than 6 months. It must be:
    Not relieved by sleep
    Not present before your diagnosis
    Not a consequence of unusual or strenuous activity
  2. Post-exertional malaise (PEM): This is the worsening of your symptoms after being exposed to physical or mental stress that would not have caused an issue before the illness. People living with chronic fatigue describe it as a crash, collapse, or relapse that lasts for days or even weeks. It commonly leaves anyone housebound as simple tasks such as taking a shower, shopping at the grocery or doing the laundry can be disabling.
  3. Sleep problems: You have difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep. Even if you have slept long enough, the fatigue associated with CFS does not go away.

Besides the presence of the symptoms mentioned above, you must also experience one of these:

  • “Brain fog” or problems with thinking and memory. Suffering from CFS makes remembering things, paying attention to details, and thinking quickly very difficult.
  • Symptoms that heighten after standing or sitting upright called orthostatic intolerance. You may feel dizzy, lightheaded, weak, or faint. You may also experience blurry vision or see spots.

More symptoms include:

  • Abnormal headaches
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Tender lymph nodes in the armpits or neck
  • A frequent sore throat
  • IBS and other digestive issues
  • Allergic reactions and sensitivities to foods, chemicals, and odors


Getting a Natural Cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There was a study conducted on 19 patients who had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. They were assessed by an upper cervical chiropractor and given neck adjustments based on their specific cases and requirements. The relief care resulted in success as all 19 patients reported improvement in their chronic fatigue symptoms and better quality of life.

Why the Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?

Chronic fatigue syndrome and other chronic conditions are mostly caused by a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine, particularly the atlas or axis vertebrae. These two are responsible for protecting the delicate brainstem. They are mobile as they allow the head to move in many directions. Because of this, they are vulnerable to misaligning.

When this happens, they cause pressure to the brainstem. This leads to the sending of improper signals to the brain about what is experienced in the body. If the brainstem communicates to the brain that the body is always tired, the symptoms of chronic fatigue can ensue.

Here at Hejny Chiropractic in Spring Lake Park, Minnesota, we use a low-force and precise method to realign the bones. We do not pop or force the bones in the neck or back. Instead, our approach is gentle, and it results in the vertebrae staying in the correct position for a longer amount of time. Many of our patients report a huge improvement in their CFS symptoms after a few sessions. Schedule an appointment with us to finally find natural relief from your chronic fatigue.  


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at