child, Spring Lake Park MN migraine reliefAnyone can have migrainenot even kids and adolescents are spared from its debilitating symptoms. If you’re a parent or guardian, it’s common to feel frustrated for not knowing what’s causing your children’s severe head pain and random symptoms, let alone how to help them. We’re here to address your concerns and offer methods to get Spring Lake Park MN migraine relief.


How Chiropractors Provide Spring Lake Park MN Migraine Relief 

Ignoring signs and symptoms of migraines in children may lead to worse and recurring attacks. A consultation with a licensed upper cervical chiropractor can help reduce your child’s migraine attacks and let them live free from any pain and symptoms.

Chiropractic care, particularly the Atlas Orthogonal technique, is a natural remedy addressing a misalignment in your child’s neck or upper spine. That misalignment can be the main culprit for their migraine episodes. 

Atlas Orthogonal focuses on the most critical part of the nervous systemthe atlas. This bone, also referred to as your C1 vertebra, can easily misalign once your child trips, falls, or suffers a sports injury. Unfortunately, even a slight shift in the alignment of the atlas bone can cause migraines and more health problems for your child. Our licensed chiropractor can help bring back the atlas to their proper position and provide total relief for migraine. 

Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustments are generally safe for children and adults alike. This technique uses precise measuring tools supported by imaging to help reduce episodes and avoid the severity of migraine symptoms. A significant improvement in the occurrence of symptoms will follow once your child’s atlas is back in correct alignment.


A Child Needs Chiropractic Care if They Show These Migraine Symptoms

We can blame genetics and environmental factors for migraine episodes in children. If the parents (or even just one) live with migraine, it may be passed on to the child. Children often only experience a few or short migraine episodes, but it can be equally disabling and may impact their childhood. Migraine can affect children as early as 18 months old; imagine how frustrating and worrying that can be to see how your baby is suffering. 

Please do not ignore it when a child shows signs and symptoms of migraines. Children and adolescents with migraines may experience some or all of these symptoms during their episodes:

  • Visual disturbances
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Mood change
  • Abdominal pain

More Migraine Symptoms in Kids and Teenagers

Migraine’s signs and symptoms may vary in everyone, including teens and children. However, it can be disabling when your kid suffers from this neurological condition. These youngsters may develop anxiety and skip sports and be active altogether due to migraines. Missing school and social events with peers and family may also hinder social growth and development.

Some kids experience chronic migraines and can experience more than 15 episodes each month. These attacks can last for more than four hours and may frequently happen for three months. 

Watch out for these chronic migraine symptoms for kids and adults alike:

  • Head pain
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Concentration problem
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Migraine Relief eBook

Signs Your Child is on The Brink of a Migraine Attack

If you’re observant enough, you may just catch the signs before migraine attacks occur to help your child ease the symptoms. For example, children may or may not experience an aura or those visual disturbances such as flashing light, blind spots, and other vision changes before a headache start. 

Children may experience migraines following exposure to specific triggers such as changes in sleep patterns, skipping meals, stress, abrupt weather changes, excessive light exposure, loud noises, strong odors, and hormonal fluctuations. 

Below are some signs and symptoms often appearing before a migraine attack:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Frequent yawning
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Sudden food cravings
  • Sensitivity to light, touch, smell, and pungent odor
  • Sleep talking and sleepwalking
  • Night terrors


Steps to Managing Migraine Symptoms

Once a child starts experiencing chronic or severe migraine attacks, the parents or guardians should seek chiropractic consultation for Spring Lake Park MN migraine relief.

Managing migraine symptoms begins with vital changes in the child’s behavioral patterns, habits, and lifestyle. In addition, seeking natural care such as upper cervical chiropractic can also help. Here’s a list of common and effective ways to manage migraines: 

  • Be sure your child stays in a calm and peaceful environment
  • Establish a regular sleep schedule and make them strictly follow it
  • Minimize visual and noise distractions
  • Only make healthy food for them and watch out for their food-related triggers
  • Encourage regular physical activity and a balanced lifestyle
  • Teach them to cope with stress or anxiety effectively
  • Bring them to a chiropractor for Spring Lake Park MN migraine relief

Reach out to Hejny Chiropractic

If you’re not familiar with Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic, you may schedule a consultation with Justin M. Hejny, D.C., B.C.A.O, and he can help address your concerns about your child’s migraine issues.

Visit Hejny Chiropractic at 8338 Minnesota 65, Spring Lake Park, MN‎, or call 763-230-0116 ‎ to schedule an appointment. You can also sign-up for an appointment online by using this form. Upon consultation, we will ask for a detailed history of your child’s migraine, if any injury or falls took place prior, including all the symptoms, for us to be able to provide the best course of care suitable for their needs.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at