Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Always Tired, Tired, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, Fibromyalgia Relief, Chronic Fatigue ReliefFibromyalgia sufferers may always have symptoms present to some degree or another.  The muscle pain and fatigue can be impossible to ignore.  Just like other conditions that can have triggers, such as migraines, there are things that can cause flare-ups in fibromyalgia symptoms:

  1. Weather or temperature changes: Dampness, cold, heat, humidity, and storms can all cause flaring of fibromyalgia symptoms
  2. Stress: Major stressful events such as moving, death in the family, or loss of a job can be taxing on the immune system.  Even minor stressors like an argument with a friend can be enough to trigger a flare.
  3. Hormonal changes: Women’s hormones naturally fluctuate during their menstrual cycle.  Hormones can also be affected by pregnancy, thyroid or adrenal issues, or problems with the prostate in men.
  4. Injuries: Falls, car accidents, or any other type of trauma can amplify fibromyalgia symptoms.  In fact, many people’s first signs of fibromyalgia appeared following some type of injury or illness.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia, download our free e-book by clicking the image below. Free Fibromyalgia Relief eBook

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help Fibromyalgia

As research on fibromyalgia progresses, growing evidence points to the body’s central nervous system (CNS) as a potential explanation as to why chronic fatigue sufferers experience such an increased sensitivity to pain.  Upper cervical chiropractic care seeks to uncover and address underlying issues with the ability of the central nervous system to function properly.  Since the vertebrae of the spine provide the necessary layer of protection for the delicate tissues of the CNS, a vertebral misalignment can interfere with the normal communication of signals between the brain and body.

This becomes especially important in the area of the brainstem.  The brainstem is encircled by the atlas vertebra, a uniquely shaped bone that also bears the weight of the head and allows for the majority of head movement.  When the atlas misaligns, it can impede brainstem function.  This is a problem since the brainstem plays a role in pain processing, as well as many life-sustaining bodily functions such as respiration and cardiovascular function.  If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, then normal atlas alignment is key to allowing for optimal healing.  Normal brain-body communication needs to be restored in order to start processing pain signals properly.



To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at