The widespread muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia is not the only symptom that can cause problems. For people with fibromyalgia, the combination of the pain and disturbance of normal sleep is a vicious cycle. The pain makes sleeping more challenging, and then the sleep deprivation magnifies the pain. The sleep problems that can be associated with fibromyalgia include:
- Sleep apnea, which causes interrupted breathing during sleep
- Restless leg syndrome, characterized by unpleasant sensations in the legs and the urge to move them through the night
- Insomnia, which can cause difficulty with falling asleep, staying asleep, or both
People with chronic fatigue often report waking up feeling exhausted and unrefreshed, even with a full night of sleep.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.
Fibromyalgia and Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care
Many fibromyalgia sufferers are reporting improvements in their sleep, pain levels, and quality of life after seeking the care of an upper cervical chiropractor. Although there still remains a lot to be understood about the nature of fibromyalgia as a health condition, most researchers agree on the fact that people with the disorder have an increased sensitivity to pain sensations. Another connection might be that many fibromyalgia cases have their onset following some type of traumatic or stressful event. Both of these factors lend themselves extremely well to being helped through upper cervical chiropractic.
At Hejny Chiropractic, we look at the alignment of the atlas, the uppermost vertebra in the neck. The atlas provides a layer of protection for the brainstem, which is responsible for relaying signals between the body and brain, including pain signals. The atlas can easily misalign after some type of accident or injury and can interfere with the way these signals are being received. This may lead to the many symptoms that sufferers experience on a daily basis. The gentle and precise atlas corrections that we give at our practice are designed to hold in place, which gives the body the best chance to heal from fibromyalgia naturally.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below.