Chiropractors in Spring Lake ParkMeniere’s disease is an inner ear illness that many doctors do not fully understand. The condition got its name from the French doctor who identified its hallmark symptoms and explained how they share a strong link with abnormal fluid drainage of the inner ear. It’s also among the leading problems of patients seeking upper cervical chiropractors in Spring Lake Park. 

Do you have the same vestibular problem? If yes, you likely experience debilitating symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, and vertigo. You might also encounter difficulties completing everyday tasks like commuting to work and attending to household chores.


A Closer Look at Meniere’s 

Meniere’s has recently gained much attention because of updates shared by the UK-based singer-songwriter Jessie J. Thanks to her social media posts about her symptoms, people are more aware of this vestibular disorder and its impact on health. So, what do studies say about Meniere’s? Let’s take a closer look: 

  • The cause of Ménière’s disease is idiopathic, though some researchers believe it may be secondary to the accumulation of fluid called endolymph in the inner ear. 
  • The excessive fluid build-up creates pressure in the internal ear parts responsible for the balance. The additional stress can affect signal transmission from the vestibular organs to the vestibular nerves and brain.  
  • A study notes that allergies can trigger abnormal fluid accumulation in the inner ear chamber. According to the findings, the inflammatory response occurs inside the endolymphatic sac.
  • Postural imbalance, especially on the neck, can aggravate Meniere’s symptoms. The bones can impede fluid drainage and add pressure to your vestibular system. The cervical misalignment can also affect your brainstem – the body’s information highway. 


Meniere’s Disease Risk Factors

It is quite challenging to predict which types of patients will most likely acquire Ménière’s disease, but the risk may be higher if the patient has:

  • A relative who has Meniere’s
  • An acquired autoimmune disease, like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or diabetes
  • Experienced a head injury that has affected the ear
  • Been diagnosed with a viral infection of the inner ear.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Vertigo Relief eBook

Triggers of Symptoms

If you actively follow the advice of upper cervical chiropractors in Spring Lake Park, you likely have an idea of the different triggers of Meniere’s. For example, you might notice worse symptoms if you also suffer from mental health issues like stress and anxiety.

On the other hand, you might have aggravated symptoms because of a severe middle and inner ear infection. If you have any of the two concerns, we highly recommend getting them sorted as soon as you can. 

On top of these things, we also recommend managing other known triggers of Meniere’s, such as: 

The presence of auto-immune diseases

People with auto-immune diseases such as lupus are likely to develop Meniere’s disease compared to healthier individuals. 

Poor lifestyle choices

Recent studies suggest that a poor lifestyle such as too much alcohol intake and smoking also worsen Meniere’s disease flare-ups.

Physical and mental fatigue

Fatigue plays a role in stimulating the body’s abnormal response and production of Meniere’s symptoms. 

Migraine episodes

Migraine attacks can potentially stimulate the onset of Meniere’s disease. Statistics also reveal that migraine episodes and Meniere’s disease occur together.


Progression of Meniere’s Symptoms

Recent research on Meniere’s disease has identified the three stages of the condition’s progression. Are you familiar with them? Let’s check what each phase looks like:

The Early Stage

This happens during sudden vertigo attacks that could last the whole day. It can cost varying problems ranging from ear congestion and tinnitus. 

The Middle Stage

While other symptoms start to fade, tinnitus or the ringing sensation in the ears progresses. You might also have a more noticeable loss of hearing.

The Late Stage

At this point, the vertigo episode fully subsides, but the tinnitus and hearing loss worsens. Gait problems can also develop when you walk in a dark or poorly lit room.

Progression of Meniere’s disease happens mainly due to a long period before it is officially detected and diagnosed. Typically, doctors might accurately identify it several months after the early stage occurred.


Detection and Diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease

Doctors usually conduct specific diagnostic tests to confirm the presence of Meniere’s. These tests usually include:

Audiometry test

This helps in checking which ear causes the imbalance. It also works wonders in detecting nerve problems in the inner ear chamber.

Imaging tests like MRI or CT scan of the head

These tests can detect if the symptom stems from a brain or nervous system defect. 

Electronystagmogram or ENG

This diagnostic procedure comes in handy in measuring and analyzing eye movements. This diagnostic test can help the doctor determine where the problem is causing the vertigo symptom.

A Dix-Hallpike test

Doctors use it to determine if specific head movements cause vertigo.


Get the Help of Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Spring Lake Park 

Meniere’s disease is indeed a highly complex problem that can disrupt everyday life. Moreover, it can trigger vertigo episodes that may increase your risks for injuries and other issues. Thankfully, you can address one (or more) of your Meniere’s symptoms with the help of simple neck bone adjustments. 

With the help of upper cervical chiropractors in Spring Lake Park, such as Justin M. Hejny, D.C., B.C.A.O, you can potentially eliminate the root cause of your condition. The gentle neck adjustments provided by a doctor of chiropractic aims to re-align the upper cervical spine and improve fluid flow in the neck and head. The technique also aims to help you achieve better health by ensuring that your brain and other body parts can communicate with great ease.  

We recommend exploring upper cervical chiropractic for lasting Meniere’s disease relief today. You can drop by our practice at 8338 Minnesota 65, Spring Lake Park, MN. Alternatively, you can give us a call at 763-230-0116 or leave your message through our contact form.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at