massage, MN Atlas Chiropractor

Do you suffer from severe vertigo episodes that leave you unable to function three times a week? Has it become so debilitating that it’s hard to get out of the house or drive, and you fear when the next episode will come? Have you tried various treatments but found that it keeps returning and getting worse? If so, you don’t have to continue suffering and feeling powerless. With the right help, you can feel healthy and strong and no longer fear when the next vertigo episode will come. In this blog, we will discuss your two options for regaining control of your life now—massage therapy and Upper Cervical Chiropractic.


Massage Therapy and Its Effect on the Mind and Vestibular System

If possible, get a massage a few times a month. You can do this between your vestibular rehabilitation sessions or trips to an MN Atlas Chiropractor. Below is a list of how massage therapy can affect your mind and your inner ear organs:

  • It stimulates the release of hormones that can help your brain and nerves focus.
  • It helps relax the mind and body, especially after a long hectic week
  • It improves the quality of the muscles, joints, ligaments, and other connective tissues, which might affect how you move and maintain balance
  • It can support good body posture – a significant factor in maintaining good brain and vestibular system health
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Vertigo Relief eBook

Here are the different types of massages that work excellently for vertigo relief: 

Therapeutic Massage

This type combines two techniques – relaxation and remedial massage. It’s not as “gentle” as other popular types of massage, but it helps work on tight spots. Additionally, it can come in handy in combating anxiety and inflammation, two risk factors for vertigo-causing conditions like BPPV, Meniere’s, and inner ear infections.

Sports Massage

The combination of deep tissue and Swedish massage is a superb way to improve your sense of proprioception (ability to detect movements). Fitness trainers and massage therapists refer to this combo as sports massage. It provides several benefits, like muscle rehabilitation, increased elasticity, and improved mobility. 

Deep Tissue Massage

This technique targets the deep tissue layers and releases severely contracted muscle fibers. Additionally, it can enhance blood pressure regulation and decrease pain sensitivity. Patients with balance problems may benefit from deep tissue massage thanks to its ability to alleviate pressure on the neck, a crucial section of the spine that can impact your brainstem and vestibular organs. 


Upper Cervical Chiropractic and How it Fixes the Underlying Cause of Vertigo

Have you ever suffered a head or neck trauma or injury due to a car accident, whiplash, sports injury, physical abuse, or concussion? If so, you may be at risk for misalignment of the upper spine bones, which can greatly impact your overall health and wellness. Left undetected and uncorrected, upper spine misalignment can lead to long-term health problems.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a specialized type of chiropractic care that focuses on detecting and correcting misalignments of the upper spine. With Upper Cervical Chiropractic, you can receive gentle corrections that can help you achieve improved overall health and wellness.

If you have suffered any of the injuries mentioned above, it’s essential to have your upper spine bones assessed and adjusted by a qualified Upper Cervical Chiropractor as soon as possible. That way, any misalignments can be detected and corrected, helping to prevent any long-term health issues from developing. The sooner you confirm if you have upper spine misalignment, the faster you can begin receiving gentle Upper Cervical corrections.

massage, MN Atlas Chiropractor

Hejny Chiropractic – The Leading MN Atlas Chiropractor 

Hejny Chiropractic is the go-to option for many people looking for an experienced MN Atlas Chiropractor. Carefully planned Upper Cervical Care can make a huge difference in your vestibular health regardless of how long you’ve had an upper spine misalignment. 

We will happily assist you with your misaligned upper spine bones with the help of comprehensive neck bone imaging scans, physical assessments, and medical history evaluation. We suggest consulting with us if you haven’t explored this option for vertigo relief.

Head to our contact page and send us a query. We look forward to discussing your care plan so you can enjoy living more vertigo-free days.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at