offering-safe-care-option-children-back-painUpper cervical care in Spring Lake Park cares for people of all ages with back pain. Back in the day, back pain was not so common, so parents worry a lot when their children complain of it. Nowadays, back pain is more frequent among children and adolescents.

No parent wants their precious children to suffer any pain, which is why they always choose the safer care option for their beloved offspring. Thankfully, backache rarely means something serious.


Back Pain in Children and Adolescents

Back pain is prevalent among adolescents and children. It can affect as many as 50 percent of them by the age of 20 years old. Backache can be dull and aching or sharp and shooting. Also, the pain can be present anywhere in the back. In kids that are younger than 10, back pain may point towards a more severe problem. However, most back pain episodes can still resolve independently and are also very frequently, not serious.

Despite the intensive work that goes into back pain research among kids, very few children would leave their doctor’s office with an exact diagnosis. One study reported that at least 78% of children suffering from back pain did not receive a diagnosis even after a thorough examination. 


Finding a Diagnosis For A Child’s Back Pain

Thorough and comprehensive testing conducted by a professional will be the key to understanding the underlying cause for a child’s back pain. The child’s age and the history of pain are two key factors that indicate a more serious underlying condition.

Also, a detailed patient history will be essential, as well. It is critical to mention crucial details, such as:

  • How long has the pain occurred?
  • Does it disturb the child’s sleep?
  • Can the child still perform the usual activities, and where is the pain felt?
  • Where else does the pain radiate?

Doctors also need other relevant details. It would include other symptoms like:

  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Neurological symptoms – numbness, weakness, problems with walking, and issues with bladder or bowel movement

Other things worth mentioning: 

  • Family history of arthritis or scoliosis
  • Previous episodes of arthritis, injury, or back pain incidents
  • Psychological history – aggravating back pain that may cause depression
  • Social history – carrying books or backpacks in school, sports activities, or injuries experienced
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and low back pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below. Free Back Pain Relief eBook

Fascinating Details About Back Pain In Children

  • Less than 30% of children seek care from doctors concerning their back pain.
  • Back pain can become worse as one gets older.
  • Girls experience more back pain compared to boys.
  • Back pain is much more frequent in adults compared to kids. 
  • Non-specific back pain is increasing in commonality among young kids.


What Could Be Causing Back Pain in Children? 

In older children

  • Spondylolysis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Vertebral fractures
  • Scheuermann’s disease or disc problems (herniation)
  • Overuse and back strain or musculoligamentous injury

Both in younger and older children

  • Infection (usually under the age of 10)
    • Osteomyelitis
    • Pyelonephritis
    • Retroperitoneal infection
    • Discitis
  • Systemic disease such as sickle cell disease
  • Congenital disorders of the spine such as scoliosis
  • Tumors of the spinal cord (like ependymoma)
  • Bone tumors – most commonly Ewing’s sarcoma osteoblastoma, osteoid osteoma, primary lymphoma, and aneurysmal bone cyst


Children Backpacks and Back Pain

It would be pretty common to see children of all ages carrying backpacks to school with such joy and delight. These kids are not aware that taking too much weight under their fragile backs and shoulders may give them severe possible back pain issues if not managed well.

These heavily burdened backpacks are often the source of back pain if they carry it the wrong way. Let us help you become aware and share some essential tips to help and protect your child. Keep in mind these guidelines to prevent your child from excruciating back pain caused by backpacks:

  • Keep the weight of the backpack evenly distributed. The child can do this by carrying the bag on both shoulders instead of just one.
  • Make sure the total weight loaded on the bag is as low as possible. Remove any non-essential things in the bag. Declutter always to prevent the bag from accumulating more things.
  • Educate yourself that the backpack’s weight will have a clear impact on the child’s delicate and still developing back.
  • Rent or make use of a school locker when your children go to school. It will help them switch the things they need in the morning and afternoon. It also prevents them from carrying everything in their bag all day long.

Another critical key to always remember is to practice good posture all the time. Upper cervical care in Spring Lake Park can help maintain the proper alignment of the spine.


Keeping Your Kid’s Spine Properly Aligned

Have you heard of the adage, prevention is much better than cure? If you do, you will also support keeping your spine healthy and giving you a certain level of protection against back pain. 

Researchers discovered something interesting in a case study that involved an eight-year-old girl. The child complained of middle and lower back pain. She rated her pain 5 out of 10 on the pain scale, which lasted for at least two years. The girl already tried stretching and massage, but still, the pain persisted. Upon physical examination, the doctor discovered that she had a misalignment in her upper cervical spine. She received upper cervical chiropractic care to determine and correct these issues. She continued with her care program for five months. After that period, she was happy to report that her pain had gone away entirely.


How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Resolves Back Pain

The upper cervical technique focuses on realigning the upper cervical spine’s top bones or neck that has misaligned. How would this misalignment happen in children? Any blow to the head or neck can cause a misalignment in these bones. 

The (C1) atlas and C2 (axis) vertebrae are highly flexible. Both have the critical job of supporting the head’s weight and giving it a wide range of motion. However, this flexibility also puts them at a higher risk of shifting out of position.

These other circumstances may also contribute to misalignment, such as:

  • Car accidents
  • Slipping, tripping, sliding, and falling incidents
  • Head or neck trauma or injury
  • Childbirth trauma or the way the baby’s head position is in the birth canal

Once there is a misalignment in this area of the spine, the back area’s nerves may become compressed or pinched, and the muscles can be irritated. Thus, it would lead to back pain. By correcting the problem or misalignment in the neck, the spine will return to its proper position. By solving the problem at its underlying cause, the chain reaction of compensations and issues will become corrected.


Hejny Chiropractic in Spring Lake Park

Here at Hejny Chiropractic in Spring Lake Park, MN, our method of correcting neck and spinal misalignments is very gentle, precise, and effective. It is safe for any age group. Even infants who received upper cervical care benefited from upper cervical chiropractic.

Call us at (763)754-9222 to schedule a free consultation with us. Enjoy the benefits you can get from upper cervical care in Spring Lake Park.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at