8338 Hwy 65 N.E., Spring Lake Park, MN ‎55432

Vertigo and the Three Body Systems that Control Balance

A Vertigo attack can be extremely disturbing.  All of a sudden, the room is spinning around you, and you struggle to maintain balance.  Vertigo attacks can also be accompanied by nausea, headaches, sweating, and ringing in the ears.  Although there are several causes for vertigo, it’s important to understand how the brain receives signals about [...]

Recurring Vertigo Episodes and Your Spine

Vertigo is a condition that affects the inner ear and the brain’s ability to process signals that provide balance and stability.  A vertigo attack comes with the sensation that either you or your surroundings are in a spin.  This can also lead to a loss of balance, nausea, or even vomiting in more severe cases.  [...]

2023-11-26T07:58:23+00:00Tags: , , , |

Differences Between Dizziness, Vertigo, and Disequilibrium

At some point in their lives, many adults will experience a bout of dizziness.  In fact, dizziness, vertigo, and disequilibrium are fairly common symptoms that result in a visit to the doctor.  In many cases, the incident is isolated and does not recur.  However, for some people, the issue becomes chronic, and this can result [...]

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