8338 Hwy 65 N.E., Spring Lake Park, MN ‎55432

More Balance and Vertigo Facts You Need to Know

Knowledge is a critical factor toward managing any condition. Vertigo and balance disorders are no different. They are hard to treat without ample information about them. To add to the five interesting vertigo facts I have shared in the past, here are more important things to know about spinning and the vestibular system. Read until [...]

This Often-Overlooked Solution Can Stop Dizziness Naturally

We’ve all experienced a bout of dizziness at one time or another. Dizziness is when you feel faint, woozy or unsteady. The feeling you have when you stand up too quickly and feel unbalanced, or the feeling when you’re about to pass out is called dizziness. Feeling dizzy at times can be normal, but there [...]

Vertigo Spotlight: BPPV – the Most Common Vertigo Disorder

The most common vestibular disorder is called BPPV, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.  It affects over 150,000 people every year. One of the most bothersome issues caused by BPPV are severe vertigo episodes usually triggered by changes in head position.  By learning the meaning of each of the words that this condition is named after, [...]

Could Spine Trouble Be the Source of Your Vertigo?

Vertigo, for many sufferers, is an exceedingly inconvenient condition, sometimes resulting in the person dropping to the ground due to a sudden episode. If you have ever spun around long enough that when you stand still your equilibrium can’t catch up, and the world continues to spin about you, then you have experienced what it [...]

Natural Means of Coping with Meniere’s Disease

Meniere's Disease is a disorder of the inner ear thought to come about when excess fluid builds up in the inner ear.  It most commonly occurs in people between 20 and 50 years of age. Symptoms can come on suddenly, and include: Disabling vertigo attacks   Fluctuating hearing loss   Ringing in the affected ear [...]

5 Interesting Vertigo Facts that Might Surprise You

Vertigo can be described as the sensation of feeling like the room is spinning around you, or that you yourself are spinning when you're really still.  If you've ever spun around and around as a child or played a game of "dizzy bat", you were able to create a very temporary version of what vertigo [...]

Vertigo Proven to Be Helped by Proper Spinal Alignment

Due to a popular film of the same name, vertigo is often confused with the fear of high places. What really is vertigo and what can be done for it? These are some of the questions we will be addressing in this article.   What is Vertigo? Vertigo is a medical condition causing you to [...]

Head Injuries & Vertigo: What’s the Connection?

It is not an uncommon occurrence for vertigo patients who find their way to our office to have experienced some type of injury to the head or neck in the past.  Vertigo is a common complaint following a neck injury.  It can come on soon after the incident or in some cases can arrive weeks [...]

How Hejny Chiropractic Is Taking the Edge Off Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is debilitating for the one suffering as it affects a person’s balance system. It is known for: Severe vertigo Tinnitus – ringing in the ears A feeling of fullness in the affected ear Hearing loss that can become permanent if not cared for Those suffering from Meniere’s can often only think about when [...]

Finding Ways to Cope with Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear. It is known for: Vertigo – a false sensation of movement Severe tinnitus – ringing in the ears A feeling of fullness or pressure in the affected ear Hearing loss that may become permanent if not cared for The reason Meniere’s occurs has not been agreed [...]

Taking a Closer Look at Meniere’s Disease in Spring Lake Park, MN

One may wonder where the name Meniere’s disease came from? This condition is named after a French doctor who proposed that the symptoms of this condition came from the inner ear rather than the brain – the current belief in 1861. The symptoms he was referring to are: Vertigo – a spinning sensation Loss of [...]

Differences Between Dizziness, Vertigo, and Disequilibrium

At some point in their lives, many adults will experience a bout of dizziness.  In fact, dizziness, vertigo, and disequilibrium are fairly common symptoms that result in a visit to the doctor.  In many cases, the incident is isolated and does not recur.  However, for some people, the issue becomes chronic, and this can result [...]

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