Chronic fatigue, as the name suggests, is known for the symptom of extreme tiredness. This is not something a person can rest from and feel better. In fact, sometimes resting makes the symptoms worse. Those suffering from this condition may find it hard to accomplish daily tasks. In addition, there is no test to confirm a diagnosis. Diagnosis is performed by a battery of tests to rule out any other condition that may be present, potentially leaving a patient exhausted and frustrated.
Once chronic fatigue is deemed a viable cause for one’s tiredness, caring for it is also difficult. Medications may be prescribed to treat one specific symptom, with another medication used for a different symptom. It has been seen that drugs prescribed to help with sleeplessness and depression can be helpful. Nutrition can also play a huge role in caring for this syndrome.
One may wonder what foods to avoid while suffering from chronic fatigue. While there is a short list, it encompasses a variety of foods. It is important to stay away from:
- Processed food like soda, cookies, and most bread
- Sugar in any form
- Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners

These foods:
- Hinder the immune system from functioning properly
- Cause inflammation
- Encourage the growth of yeast
So, what is one to eat? The following foods are encouraged in any healthy diet:
- Vegetables
- Dark colored fruits like berries
- Good protein sources
- Full-fat cheeses
- Added salt – if heart disease is not an issue
- A lot of water
Another Area of Help for Chronic Fatigue Sufferers in Spring Lake Park, MN
An area of care that merits attention if one suffers from this condition is that of upper cervical chiropractic care. A misalignment in the upper bones of the neck can place pressure on the brainstem causing the nervous system to malfunction. In turn, this affects the immune and endocrine systems that must be working properly for the body to be healthy.
Here at Hejny Chiropractic, we use a gentle method to realign these bones and restore communication throughout the body. Many have seen positive results when it comes to chronic fatigue. Some have even seen it go away completely.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below.