at-what-age-does-back-pain-start-heres-the-answerMany times, patients who seek back pain relief in Spring Lake Park, MN have come to our office and asked an important question: What age does back pain start? Most people often have this idea that back pain is a normal occurrence in life. However, any pain is never normal, and ignoring back pain may lead to its worsening, and eventually, to a more serious health condition. 

To answer the question, people of all ages can have back pain. Back pain can begin at any age, but it becomes more common with age due to wear and tear on the spine. Most people feel the first attack of low back pain related to degeneration of the joints in the spine between the ages of 40 to 60. In several cases, adults as young as 30 may start to feel the effects of an aging spine.


Things and Habits That Cause Back Pain

It is important to note that spinal disc degeneration is not the only reason why back pain occurs. Here’s a list of the other reasons for back pain and some tips to relieve it.

Sitting for an extended time at work

People think that standing causes back pain, but it is sitting that puts more stress on the back. The spine endures as much as 40 percent more pressure due to sitting than standing. Jobs that require people to sit for an extended period are to blame for this. 

RELIEF: Modify the angle of your back when you sit. Incline at a 135-degree angle to reduce the compression of the discs of the spine.

Skipping stretching

Sitting for long hours can block the circulation of your blood. If you make stretching a habit, you can avoid blockage of the blood flow and restore its normal circulation. 

RELIEF: Practice stretching and postural exercises like Pilates to improve your blood flow and bring down your stress levels. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and low back pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below. Free Back Pain Relief eBook

Not exercising because of the pain

It is understandable if you want to stop exercising when you are in pain. However, this is not the best course of action to take. By not exercising, you are delaying the healing process of your back. 

RELIEF: Begin with a mild type of exercise that you find enjoyable. Walking is a good exercise we recommend as it relieves the stiffness of the spine. Combine some stretching of the hips and hamstrings for additional relief. 

Carrying a heavy bag 

Your bag should not be over 10% of your body weight. If it’s heavier, you are inflicting injury on your back and shoulders. The damage can be similar to a sports-related injury. Wearing a heavy backpack or shoulder bag results in an imbalance in the back and shoulders.

RELIEF: Do not fill your bag with too many items. Pick only the necessary things to bring. Carry the least weight possible. 

Long commutes to and from work

Most people have to ride a taxi or bus, or drive a car to commute to and from work. Long daily commutes can take a toll on your health over time. Traffic can make your body suffer from stress and immobility. 

RELIEF: To reduce the pain you experience, shift the degree of your back’s inclination. Avoid positions requiring you to stretch out your legs for an extended period. 

Old and uncomfortable beds

Your bed is where you relax, sleep, and get refreshed. If your mattress has been around for ten years, it most likely has worn out, and you should consider buying a replacement. Sleeping on a mattres that is too small can cause several health problems. 

RELIEF: Choose a mattress that is not too hard nor too soft. Do not sleep on your stomach if at all possible. If you sleep on your back or side, place a pillow under or in between your knees. 

Excessive crunches when exercising

Having a strong core is beneficial for your back as it avoids strain. However, crunches and sit-ups can lead to back pain rather than relieve it if they are done too much, and especially if they are poorly performed. Crunches may involve rounding your lower back so you can bend forward. This position can cause you to throw out your back.

RELIEF: Do crunches at a slower pace and make sure you are doing them correctly. Put your focus on the transverse abdominals, the muscles that give you a steady and robust core to support your back. 

Bicycling with improperly adjusted bikes

Biking has its health benefits, such as increasing your muscle strength and strengthening your bones. It should be part of your exercise routine. However, if you suffer from back pain after cycling, you may need to adjust your bike.

RELIEF: Adjust the seat height of your bike so that you can touch the ground while straddling the seat, and at the same time your legs can extend as much as possible when they are on the pedals. Your elbows should be slightly bent when holding the handlebars. 

Unhealthy diet

Eating unhealthy foods can affect the whole body. Major dietary causes of back pain include processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. They can damage your vital organs. They also have a profound effect on your blood sugar levels. When we consume too much sugar, our body releases insulin and stress hormones. This triggers inflammation, which can be one factor involved with chronic back pain. 

RELIEF: Stick to a healthy diet to avoid inflammation in your body. If possible, avoid caffeine and processed food. Instead, eat veggies, fruits, healthy protein, whole grains, seeds, and nuts. 


Natural Relief for Back Pain in Spring Lake Park, MN

If you have made some of our suggestions above and are still suffering from back pain, it may be time to visit an upper cervical chiropractor. We encourage you to visit us here at Hejny Chiropractic. We put our attention on helping the uppermost bones of the neck return to place and remain there for as long as possible. We make this happen through upper cervical chiropractic care, a low-pressure method that does not pop or crack the spine or neck. The top two vertebrae of the spine often move out of alignment due to simple mishaps such as a trip and fall or other accidents. We correct any misalignments, and the body can begin to restore its function and heal itself.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at