Spring Lake Park migraine reliefIf you have been actively looking for an effective Spring Lake Park migraine relief option, you should already know a thing or two about what triggers your condition. Otherwise, you risk experiencing recurring symptoms that could nag you for days even after using a migraine remedy.

Like the case of symptoms, you should also expect to see varying triggers that could stimulate or aggravate your migraine episodes. Check out our list of the most commonly reported things that exacerbate or promote the onset of a migraine attack below. 

#1. Your cell phone or computer screen

Researches continue to find more and more evidence that increased screen time can cause a significant surge of migraine episodes. If your job entails looking at the computer or mobile screen for long hours, you likely experience worse symptoms than others.

It’s good practice to use eyeglasses equipped with blue-light filtering lenses. Too much blue light exposure causes brain overload and digital eye strain, which leaves you at risk of experiencing debilitating migraine headaches.

#2. Your usual dose of caffeine

Did you know that roughly 64 percent of American adults drink coffee every single day? That’s around 211 million people! Unfortunately, a large fraction of these individuals experience migraine attacks caused by either caffeine overdose or withdrawal.

But how does this happen? The answer lies in caffeine’s ability to cause vasoconstriction, significantly reducing blood flow in the brain. In moderation, coffee or caffeine-containing pain reliever may help during a migraine attack. However, if you consume excessive or too little amounts, your blood vessels have to dilate and constrict quickly, causing you to feel throbbing pain.

#3. Oversleeping on weekends

Apart from lack of quality sleep, oversleeping can also cause you to suffer from intense migraine headaches. This is because changes in your sleeping routine mess up your serotonin levels. 

Consequently, the abnormal serotonin levels in your bloodstream trigger a chain of events that eventually leads to the onset of a migraine attack. It would be best if you stuck to a consistent sleeping routine to avoid suffering from headaches and migraines as much as possible.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Migraine Relief eBook

#4. Dealing with stressful events

We have plenty of patients who come in for Spring Lake Park migraine relief that report high stress levels because of certain events in their lives. Some had problems with their relationships. Others attribute their heightened stress to a family member’s death, job loss, financial issues, or existing health problems.

If this stress is also a constant factor in your life because of the events we listed above or other concerns, you should try finding effective coping mechanisms. For example, you can try yoga or breathing exercises and spend enough time working out.   

#5. Taking certain prescription drugs

Some medications like anti-depressants and pain relievers can potentially trigger migraine episodes. It’s crucial to ask your physician for alternative options if you have adverse reactions after taking your prescription. You can also try seeking natural remedies like essential oils, making specific lifestyle changes, and getting a massage instead of relying on medications. 

#6. Consuming excessive amounts of products with salt or additives

If you’re serious about experiencing lasting Spring Lake Park migraine relief, you should be extra mindful of your diet. Check the labels and avoid or minimize products containing a lot of salt, MSG, or artificial sweeteners. Some examples of food products that allegedly trigger or aggravate migraine episodes include:

  • Fermented food products such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickle
  • Processed meats like ham, prosciutto, and bacon
  • Aged cheeses such as parmesan, blue cheese, and brie
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) 
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Chocolate and other types of caffeine-rich products
  • Citrus fruits

Note that food triggers can vary in each migraineur, so maybe you’re sensitive to some of the items while having minimal to zero reaction to the rest. In addition, you might have unique triggers that other patients don’t have. As a result, we recommend keeping track of these details in your diary. 

#7. Drinking wine or other alcoholic beverages

Alcohol can encourage the onset of two types of headaches in migraineurs, namely, an immediate headache and a hangover headache. Furthermore, studies also reveal that roughly one-third of people who experience migraines link their migraine symptoms to alcohol consumption. If you frequently combat migraines, it’s best that you skip the alcohol or at least reduce the amount you consume. 


A Promising Source of Spring Lake Park Migraine Relief

With the knowledge you have on migraines’ common triggers, it will be easier to get Spring Lake Park migraine relief. One relief option you can try is upper cervical care chiropractic. It’s a natural remedy that focuses on restoring the neutral alignment of the spine. 

As it turns out, chiropractic adjustments of the upper cervical bones show a promising potential for patients who have been suffering from chronic migraines. Studies have been done over the years to establish the connection between the neck and spinal health to neurological disorders like migraines.

By gently assisting the spine in realigning correctly, you also encourage your body to heal independently. The affected nerves, brainstem, and tissues from the vertebral subluxation slowly recover, allowing you to experience lesser symptoms and improve communication between the brain and the body. Many patients who had migraines for years have seen results after their upper cervical care adjustments. 

Drop us a line at Hejny Chiropractic if you have any questions or if you want to book a consultation. If you prefer jumping on a call, you can dial 763-230-0116. 


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below. Schedule a complimentary no obligations consultation with Dr. Hejny If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.