The body’s two longest nerves start in the lower back and continue down through each leg. Five nerve roots attach these two nerves to the spine. If any of those nerves are compressed or irritated in any way, the result is the condition known as sciatica. It is a sharp or searing pain that can hurt in the lower back and often down into one of the legs.
When a person is dealing with sciatica, two of the most painful positions are standing still or sitting. However, pain is constant regardless of a person’s position. What types of pain characterize this condition?
- Pain in the leg and buttock on just one side
- Pain that stretches from the lower back all the way to the foot on one side
- Pain that is worse while standing in place or sitting down
- Pain in the back of one leg or the other
- Weakness in one foot or leg
While all sciatica is painful, some cases are more severe. How can you know which type you have? Severe sciatica can result in incontinence and bowel control issues. An entire leg may also become numb.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and low back pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.
Do You Just Have to Live with Sciatica?
Certainly not! Believe it or not, the pressure placed on the sciatic nerves in the lower back often occurs due to overcompensation for a misalignment in the upper cervical spine. If the atlas (top vertebra) is even ¼ mm out of alignment, everything else shifts to adjust.
At Hejny Chiropractic, we use the Atlas Orthogonal method to correct this misalignment with gentle but efficient adjustments. An examination will be necessary to determine if your atlas is misaligned. If so, after a correction your body should be able to return to normal balance and posture. As a result, the pressure should be removed from your sciatic nerve and healing can begin.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below.