Low back pain is often due to sciatica. Sitting for a long time, walking, and climbing stairs are common activities that can aggravate sciatica. Sciatica is known for:
- Shooting, burning pain
- Feeling of pins and needles
- Aching sensation
These symptoms are usually felt in one leg. Doctors will often recommend:
- Anti-inflammatories
- Corticosteroid injections
- Specific stretches
- Surgery
While these have been proven to be helpful as far as covering up the pain is concerned, it is important to realize that unless the root cause of the problem is addressed sciatica will continue to occur.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and low back pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.
An Underlying Reason for Sciatica
A link has been noted between sciatica and a misalignment of the upper neck. This may seem odd because the neck is so far away from the lower back. To understand why this is possible we must understand how the body functions.
The spinal cord has the job of sending signals to and from the brain and body. The spine is responsible for protecting the delicate spinal cord. If a trauma to the head or neck has occurred, the top bone of the neck may become misaligned. This is the atlas bone, and it can put pressure on the brainstem and stress the spinal cord. This stress or tension can lead to a distortion of signals being sent to the brain from the body and vice versa. This causes improper balance, muscles spasms, and pain.
The imbalance can cause the spine to begin to compensate for the misalignment by twisting the spinal column. Muscle tension may be present on only one side of the body making one hip higher than the other and, in turn, making one leg shorter than the other.
Here at Hejny Chiropractic, we focus on helping get the spine back into alignment through a gentle technique that does not require popping or twisting the neck. A 45-year-old woman suffering from sciatica in both legs saw a dramatic decrease in pain and symptoms after receiving atlas corrective care.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below.