8338 Hwy 65 N.E., Spring Lake Park, MN ‎55432

Why Is The Brainstem Linked To Migraines?

Are you in need of migraine relief in Spring Lake Park? Before anything else, it would help to learn about the condition and its origin.  Migraines are more than just bad headaches, as many people would like to believe. They are a collection of neurological symptoms that often includes pounding and throbbing head pain. In [...]

MN Atlas Chiropractor Explains 7 Silent Migraines Facts

Silent migraines are often misunderstood because they don't cause headaches like other types of migraines. They're also rarely tackled in references, forums, and other sources of information. To help you get acquainted with this condition, we listed 7 things you must know about silent migraines. As your go-to MN Atlas Chiropractor, Hejny Chiropractic also hopes [...]

A Simple Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Vertigo

Every MN vertigo chiropractor knows that vertigo is a fairly common disorder that becomes increasingly more common with age. If you or someone you love has vertigo, you understand how debilitating and frustrating it can be. Many people with vertigo experience a sense of fear and uncertainty because they don’t know when another vertigo attack [...]

10 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia in Men and Women

As a Minnesota upper cervical chiropractor, I help patients get lasting relief from fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes chronic pain throughout the body and oversensitivity to pressure. A study showed that nerve damage might have something to do with fibromyalgia. As a result of the nerve damage, the brain records intense pain even [...]

Are Sleeping Positions Related to Back Pain?

As a Minnesota chiropractor for low back pain, I’ve encountered this question on a regular basis. But to further understand back pain, we’ll need to delve deeper into what the condition really is.   To help us out, here are some vital pieces of information about back pain from the American Chiropractic Association:    As of nine years [...]

Is There a Connection Between Migraines and Weather Changes?

Are migraines and weather changes really connected? This is a question a MN atlas chiropractor can provide answers to. And I can tell you that on some level, there is an association between the two.   Once a migraine hits, the person affected can be debilitated until the migraine passes. They can experience pain that is [...]

More Balance and Vertigo Facts You Need to Know

Knowledge is a critical factor toward managing any condition. Vertigo and balance disorders are no different. They are hard to treat without ample information about them. To add to the five interesting vertigo facts I have shared in the past, here are more important things to know about spinning and the vestibular system. Read until [...]

Warning: Fibromyalgia Increases Risk of Heart Conditions

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic disorder that causes pain in your bones and muscles and affects the whole body. With fibromyalgia, you will feel tenderness in your muscles and extreme exhaustion. Even more frustrating, these symptoms do not have a clear cause, which makes fibromyalgia hard to diagnose or treat.  Since fibromyalgia is a condition [...]

At What Age Does Back Pain Start? Here’s the Answer

Many times, patients who seek back pain relief in Spring Lake Park, MN have come to our office and asked an important question: What age does back pain start? Most people often have this idea that back pain is a normal occurrence in life. However, any pain is never normal, and ignoring back pain may [...]

Should You Get Botox Injections for Your Migraines?

One patient who recently visited our migraine relief care clinic in MN had an interesting question: Are botox injections effective in relieving migraines? Migraines are a neurological condition that brings severe, disabling headaches. Botox injections, which are a popular component of cosmetic procedures, are now gaining popularity as an alternative migraine relief. But, is it [...]

This Often-Overlooked Solution Can Stop Dizziness Naturally

We’ve all experienced a bout of dizziness at one time or another. Dizziness is when you feel faint, woozy or unsteady. The feeling you have when you stand up too quickly and feel unbalanced, or the feeling when you’re about to pass out is called dizziness. Feeling dizzy at times can be normal, but there [...]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Is There a Natural Cure?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a complex and debilitating disorder. It involves severe fatigue that does not go away with rest and is not caused by underlying health condition. Most sufferers are left confined in their beds, unable to perform day-to-day activities. Doing any physical or emotional activity [...]

Back Pain Management: What You Need to Know

If you are suffering from back pain, you are not alone. “About 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time,” the American Chiropractic Association reported. Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, which obstructs people from working and performing other day-to-day activities. While it is prevalent and can cause a [...]

How Does Inflammation Trigger Migraines?

Migraines are a neurological condition that often involves headaches as a primary symptom. The truth is that migraines can happen with or without a headache and can involve a number of other possible symptoms such as the following: Nausea and vomiting Pain on one side of the head, rarely both sides Dizziness Sensitivity to light, [...]

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