8338 Hwy 65 N.E., Spring Lake Park, MN ‎55432

How Residents of Spring Lake Park, MN Can Cope with Sciatica

Low back pain is often due to sciatica. Sitting for a long time, walking, and climbing stairs are common activities that can aggravate sciatica. Sciatica is known for: Shooting, burning pain Feeling of pins and needles Aching sensation These symptoms are usually felt in one leg. Doctors will often recommend: Anti-inflammatories Corticosteroid injections Specific stretches [...]

Alleviating Sciatica Through Proper Spinal Alignment

Sciatica can be an extremely painful condition. It is the result of compression or irritation of the largest nerve in the body. This nerve is located in the lower back and branches down through each leg. There are five nerve roots that attach this nerve to the spine. If any of these roots become constricted [...]

Finding Ways to Cope with Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear. It is known for: Vertigo – a false sensation of movement Severe tinnitus – ringing in the ears A feeling of fullness or pressure in the affected ear Hearing loss that may become permanent if not cared for The reason Meniere’s occurs has not been agreed [...]

Taking a Closer Look at Meniere’s Disease in Spring Lake Park, MN

One may wonder where the name Meniere’s disease came from? This condition is named after a French doctor who proposed that the symptoms of this condition came from the inner ear rather than the brain – the current belief in 1861. The symptoms he was referring to are: Vertigo – a spinning sensation Loss of [...]

Headache Sufferers Put Employers at Risk for Financial Loss

Migraines headaches are debilitating, and when they hit the person suffering is usually unable to perform simple daily tasks or duties at work. This often causes employers distress as it leads to a loss of productivity, work days, and adds to money paid out in healthcare costs. The most recent figures reveal that migraine headaches [...]

Migraines — A Common Problem with an Uncommon Solution

Migraines are one of the world’s most common ailments with more than 38 million suffering the condition in the USA alone. It is common for a person to begin experiencing migraines during puberty. As a result, many young people are dealing with this condition as well as adults. In fact, about 10% of children in [...]

Natural Fibromyalgia Options in Spring Lake Park, MN

If you or a loved one are dealing with fibromyalgia, you know firsthand how difficult each day can be. The widespread pain, headaches, and lack of restful sleep can take its toll. Because of the chronic nature, there are many people looking for natural means to provide some relief. Here are 5 natural options that [...]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Real Condition with Real Symptoms

As recently as 2015, many believed that chronic fatigue syndrome was a psychological disorder, not a real physical problem. In February of that year, the Institute of Medicine noted that chronic fatigue, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, was a real disease. Previous to this announcement, some actually believed that people with Type-A (or perfectionist) personalities, [...]

Back Pain Risk Factors in Spring Lake Park, MN

Back pain can take on many qualities.  It can be a dull ache that comes on slowly, or it can be a sharp pain that only happens with certain movements.  No matter how you experience it, back pain can get in the way of going about your day-to-day activities.  There are certain factors that might [...]

Sciatica Relieved by Having a Healthy Spine

Sciatica is known for pain that spreads along the sciatic nerve from the lower back to the buttocks and then down the back of one of the legs. It generally is felt from the buttock to the back of the thigh or calf. Usually, only one leg is affected. The pain can be dull and [...]

Caring for Vertigo Naturally and Effectively

Vertigo is an extremely common medical complaint.  When you feel like the world is spinning out of control around you, or that you are moving when you're actually still, it can be a frightening experience.  There are many causes of vertigo, including Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and several other conditions that cause [...]

Chronic Fatigue Takes Its Toll on Sufferers

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is known for causing extreme tiredness that does not get better with rest or sleep. The reason for this remains unknown. In order to diagnose chronic fatigue, many other illnesses must be ruled out. This means that a person must undergo numerous tests to finally get a diagnosis. This in itself [...]

Something Better than Medication for Headache Pain

Headaches can become the bane of a person’s existence. Some may get so painful they result in nausea and vomiting. Headache causes vary. If there is an underlying condition causing the headache, correcting that cause is the way to reduce head pain, not covering over the pain with medication.   Why Medications Have Limited Benefit [...]

Sciatica Pain Relief in Spring Lake Park, MN

Sciatica is a painful condition related to inflammation or irritation of a nerve near the spine. Approximately 5% of people experiencing back pain also suffer from sciatica. The pain of sciatica may increase if a person: Sits for long periods of time Walks Climbs stairs Squats Sciatica generally only affects one leg. The symptoms are [...]

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