Headaches can become the bane of a person’s existence. Some may get so painful they result in nausea and vomiting. Headache causes vary. If there is an underlying condition causing the headache, correcting that cause is the way to reduce head pain, not covering over the pain with medication.
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Why Medications Have Limited Benefit for Headaches
Of course, when someone is in the midst of a headache, reaching for the pill bottle makes sense. You need that immediate relief so you can go on with the rest of the day. The problem is that the solution is temporary. It only helps until the next headache.
Add to that the issue of rebound migraines, also called medication overuse migraines. These head pain occur as a side effect of taking pain relievers too often. Then the patient has to change medications, and the cycle continues. Is there something that can break the cycle?
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
More than 100 Case Studies Support Upper Cervical Care
In 101 case studies, upper cervical chiropractic proved successful in reducing or eliminating the frequency of headaches. In fact, in 85 of the 101 cases, the patient experienced no more headaches after receiving upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. The other 16 patients also saw improvement.
One common factor that came up in over 85% of the patients is a history of head or neck trauma such as whiplash injuries or concussions. This helps to reveal the underlying cause of many head pain. When a head or neck injury causes the C1 and C2 to become misaligned, the result can be pressure on the brainstem or restricted drainage of cerebrospinal fluid. The right conditions are created for chronic head pain.
Correcting the misalignment can reverse these effects and help relieve headaches. At Hejny Chiropractic, we use the Atlas Orthogonal method which uses a gentle pulse to realign the spine. Many patients see benefits right from the first visit.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hejny, call our Spring Lake Park office at 763-230-0116. You can also click the button below.